Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Concrete May be the Answer for Your Renovation (Huh?)

When HA Construction tells you that concrete may be the best option for your porch renovation, your initial reaction may be to cringe.

Because who wants to use something as drab as concrete? Doesn’t it look cheap and take away from the value of a home if used on the front porch instead of a deck?

But what you’re probably envisioning closely resembles the cracked, uneven surfaces of old city sidewalks, or the rough gray sides of a cinder block – and you couldn’t be further off base. You might find yourself surprised by the aesthetic appeal that concrete can bring these days, not to mention the benefits.

Stamping concrete
Concrete is Much Less Expensive
The National Association of Home Builders showed an 11% increase in the use of patios on new homes from 1995 to 2005, topping out at 46%. Even when compared to the new vinyl decking options, you’ll quickly find that concrete cost much less to install. Not only is the product itself cheaper, but the installation process requires less work on the part of the contractor.

Save Your Back -- Concrete is Very Low Maintenance
Yes, the most ideal option for your front porch or deck is beautifully stained wood, and it may even cost less to install than concrete. However, when you factor the costs and time put into the maintenance of a wood deck, and even vinyl, you’ll find that concrete presents as a better option.

For starters, when you do an elevated concrete porch, complete with steps, the base is completely filled with gravel. There is no access underneath for critters to make a home; no need to call pest control for that anymore.

Concrete porch done by HA Construction
As far as maintenance goes, spray the porch off with a hose on occasion and you’re good. Sometimes you might need to scrub a little. If you paint the concrete, you’ll need to redo that sometimes. However, if you choose to add a pigment or resin to give it a nice tone, repainting won’t ever be necessary.

Yes, there is a possibility that the concrete will crack or the edges will break a little due to temperature changes and moisture. As long as you check the porch regularly and repair small cracks before they get too big, you won’t have much to do. Small repairs can be addressed on your own with very little effort.

Compare all of that to the maintenance of a wood porch, which needs staining/painting on a regular basis, can rot and needs the bottom to be open for drainage, and concrete could be the way to go.

Concrete porch done by HA Construction
Stamping and Colorization Mean Beautiful Options
Gone are the days of plain, smooth gray concrete. Stamping options now provide texture to make the concrete much more appealing. Stamps are used just like you imagine -- by laying a polyurethane design on the concrete at just the right time in the drying process. Most stamps are made to resemble building products such as brick, natural stone or even wood grain.

Instead of painting, another option for beautification of your porch is to have HA Construction add pigment or dust the wet concrete with a colored resin for a more natural look. Pigment is added to the concrete mix to give it color, which is a bit more expensive than the resin option because more product is necessary. Resin is added once the concrete is poured and stamped, adhering to the top of the wet concrete as it dries. After it dries, a sealant is added.

It Certainly Isn’t the Worst Choice
So maybe the idea of concrete to greet visitors’ feet at your front door isn’t such a bad idea after all. Andy and the team at HA Construction can certainly help you determine what options are best for your porch renovation or addition. And you can trust that their recommendations are sound, trustworthy and have your needs and interests as top priority.

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